Today is the day I'll make yet another intrusion into unknown territory by writing the very first blog post of my life. So, who am I exactly and what's the point of this whole blog?
I'm a 26 years old male hailing from the land of polar bears and blizzards, more commonly known as Finland. Before anyone starts wondering about those polar bears I'll just clarify that the only polar bears in Finland can be found in zoos as they don't really belong to the Finnish nature. I live in our glorious capital Helsinki and spend my time balancing between my studies, work and training.
I currently study finance and economics and hope it will be the field I find myself working in in the near future. I also have some plans concerning a second university degree, but they're not really relevant at the moment. My current line of work is quite boring and that's about all I'm going to share about it. My hobbies on the other hand are something totally different and will be the main focus of this whole blog.
I practice Thai boxing and plan to take it to the ring in Finnish amateur matches as soon as I find a weightclass I feel is the best suited for me. Currently my routine aside from group practice is pretty much based on doing heavy lifting at the gym and longer streching sessions at home. I also mix some pole dancing classes in between the before mentioned activities but that will soon change. I ordered my first own pole around Christmas and am currently waiting for its delivery. After that I'll be doing several weekly sessions on my brand new 50mm chromed pole.
I'm a beginner when it comes to pole dancing, the hardest moves I can do are inverts but I plan to advance fast once I get to practicing more often. This blog will be a way for me to keep track of how I evolve and at the same time show to others how demanding a sport pole dancing is. I will also cover my other training routines and life in general, so you can expect pretty much anything from me when it comes to posting new stuff. :D
My posts will be in English, because these days I don't get enough practice otherwise. I will reply to comments in English and Finnish though.